Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Exciting news!

Actually two pieces of exciting news! First, Ellie is officially potty trained! Woo hoo! If you could see me now, I am doing the HAPPY dance!:) She has been doing much better lately but the final test was that she now gets up out of her bed during a nap or bedtime to go pee or poop! She even wears panties when we go to church and the gym and has no accidents!

Second, my sister Jenny was on the CBS Early Morning Show this morning with Exonmobil teachers and she got a few words in on the camera! When I showed Ellie(I recorded it) she kept making me play it over and over because she said "I want to watch my Aunt Jeenny on tb". Now we can say we know a celebrity!:) I believe you can go to to watch it(Jen, please give more detailed information on this!)

I'm a proud momma and sister!

1 comment:

  1. She is so grown-up! It made me so sad to see her just running in and out of the bathroom like a big shot. I know I should be happy...but I don't want Lil Beebs to grow up! :)
