Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Fajita Pot Pie

Fajita Pot Pie...sounds yummy, right? Maybe not. I was trying to find something to make last night that we had all the ingredients(so I didn't have to run to the store) so I got on Bisquick's website and found "fajita pot pie". Looked like it could be good so I thought I'd give it a shot. Well, after it came out of the oven Matt walks through the kitchen and says "It looks like fajitas with pancakes on top". This was my first clue that it may not be the best recipe I've ever made. To my surprise, he actually liked it....but said it looked like he had rummaged through the fridge and threw a bunch of stuff together. Is this a compliment? He says it was and that he would eat it again....but not sure I will be pulling this recipe out for guests.:)

1 comment:

  1. How funny!!! I can SO hear Matt saying that...he's too much! It sounds good actually. Pat wants me to make it. :)
