Tuesday, June 23, 2009

A little of this and a little of that...

We spent the day relaxing with daddy today. He was at home because they did not have to attend class due to a tragedy, one of his classmates committed suicide on Sunday night. I don't feel comfortable talking about that sort of thing on here, but this is the second person I have known in 6 months to take his own life, so it is disturbing to me. God is just reminding me that you never know what someone is dealing with...which reminds me of the quote "Be extra nice to everyone you meet, because everyone is dealing with some sort of storm in their life".

On to a brighter note, Ellie was in rare form today! She has started making "suggestions" rather than asking us to do something. For example, she told Matt "You know what, maybe you should chase me." It is quite comical as she does it with everything, right down to asking for a "snackie".

Ellie has also taken it upon herself to mother Livvy. She has been doing this for a while now, but lately she is really taking over. I was fixing dinner and looked over to see Livvy's legs kicking because Ellie had covered her with a big floppy hat and some baby doll shoes. When I rescued Livvy from the hat that was suffocating her, Ellie informed me that "baby wants to play dress-up". We had an even bigger scare when Ellie placed a small object in Livvy's hand, claiming that she wanted to hold it, but of course Livvy stuck it right in her mouth. Thank God I was there so I removed the item immediately and made sure Ellie knew it was NOT okay to give the baby small objects!

But we can't forget about lil' Livvy...she may be quiet but she is still a diva. The old saying "be careful what you pray for" is true. I prayed for a cuddle buddy and I got one. It is great for the most part, but this girl does NOT like to be set down! I just continue to remind myself that they are only babies once so I'm enjoying it while it lasts.

Being a mom and wife is so rewarding but can also be a challenge to not take things into my own hands when I know that God is so much more capable of ordering our footsteps. Thus I have started reading(again) "The Power of a Praying Wife" and "The Power of a Praying Parent". Each chapter is only a few pages long but I can honestly say that each time I finish a chapter and say the prayer God almost immediately answers it. Sometimes I flip back to a certain chapter when I am feeling stressed about a particular area of our lives and God just reminds me that he heard me and he has things under control. I sleep so much better at night knowing that God is our protector and provider! I can't always be with my kiddos to protect them, but I know that God can and will!

Last, but not least, we are looking into putting Ellie in gymnastics, dance or just something she will enjoy and develop new skills. I will keep you posted on our quest for something that is affordable and fun!:)

P.S. Feel free to give special requests for blog topics, there are so many things I'd love to write about but only have time for a few! No, I will not blog about pets or politics:)


  1. This is wonderful. I think your blog will bond us all, because we ARE ALL a family with each other. Thank you !! :) I am a very, very blessed mother in law. :)

    Debbie (Gram)

  2. How cute! I love that El suggests things...that is so funny...she's such a mess!! And I know it's hard work, but you are an EXCELLENT mother and I hope to one day be as good of mommy as you are!!! So proud of you! :)
