Wednesday, July 8, 2009

"Hey, whatcha doin' in there?"

Well, I am already behind on this blogging thing! Now I remember why I put off doing it for so long!:) Things have been very busy around here, I have been teaching a lot more classes to make some extra $$ so I'm doing my best to juggle the girls and work. I went to teach a class at the gym tonight and took Ellie and Ollie with me. Before I put them in childcare I stopped in to take Ellie to the bathroom. After Ellie got done she peaked under the stall door and said to the lady in the next stall "Hey, whatcha doin in there?" Well, the lady didn't answer(I guess she was embarrassed/shocked) so Ellie proceeds to say to me "Is she poopin' in there momma?" Needless to say, I was rushing to get us out of there before the lady came out of the stall. Everyone who overheard it couldn't help but snicker though. I must admit it was very cute.

After our "potty stop" we went to childcare where the girls had a great time. When I came to pick them up the lady working said she thinks they are both going to be singers because they both sang the whole time they were in there...even little Livvy! And Ellie pretty much performs anywhere she goes. She told the lady that "God loves me, you, Livvy, mommy, daddy, snackies, moon, stars, etc" (she didn't say etc but her list kept going and going) My favorite was that God loves snackies:)


  1. Hi,

    I am just chuckling away. The definition of joy is little children. :)

    We love you all :)


  2. She is sooo funny!! Gabi and I thinks she needs a reality show. She's such a comedian! And she's right...God does love snackies!! :)

  3. Priceless stories! I can just hear her voice bellowing through the bathroom . . .ha, ha! As for snackies, "give us this day our daily bread." Amen, Sista Ellie!
